Military Cable Production

Analog cable design, cable tree production, cable set production, all kinds of screened cable termination techniques are performed by our professional staff in accordance with military standards.

Military Cable Production

As Cdk Savunma, we provide electromechanical assembly and control panel, control box and sub-material assemblies services that complete this assembly.

It also manages the supply chain of components such as dyeing, PCD, Switches, switches, bulbs and LEDs.

Military Cable Production
Military Cable Production
Military Cable Production
Military Cable Production
Military Cable Production
Military Cable Production
Military Cable Production
Military Cable Production
Military Cable Production
Military Cable Production
Military Cable Production
Military Cable Production
Military Cable Production
Military Cable Production

In order to test the different connectors in Power Train Units, PCBs, Wiring Harnesses, White Goods and other products, CDK Defense-Test Engineers and Test Operators design and manufacture user-friendly, high quality and precise JIG for the needs.

The lifetime of a JIG during testing is much longer than the use of standard connectors or equivalent.

It is also easy to repair and maintain when individual parts such as Test Probes need to be replaced.

Military Cable Production
Military Cable Production
Military Cable Production
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